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2nd thought
by abhi srivastava on May 30, 2008 02:48 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I guess after all the time n research i gave to this case i hav come on to a second conclusion,which, i guess nobody is thinking of...aarushi's MOM is the main CULPRIT.. just listen to this one---- may be aarushi's mom is going around with someone else n hemraj ws a witness to this n the other guy thought to eliminate hemraj n she made the PLOT..Now this lady knows that Dr Talwar takes sleeping pills n he ll be in a deep n her guy hatched the plan n killed hemraj n aarushi sw it or in that process aarushi ws killed accidently.
i guess police should grill her mom n also should try n take out the call details n MSG details of aarushi's mom.the truth ll speak by itself.
THE MOST IMP THING-- if a third person did this crime then he must be aware that there are so many people inside the house. this crime is done patiently n there ws enough time to drag the body n hide it. why ll any outside person try to hide the body. he ll committ the crime n run away.on the terrace also the body ws covered with matress.anyone else apart frm these 2 members(mom or dad) ll never bother to hide the body n all n being aware that there r more people inside the house he ll try to run as soon as possible
but in this case proper thought ws given to all these things.
Its time they should shell out the truth.
Hw cn a MOm do this. its shameful.
she is a big FAKE n also SHE IS HAPPY NW ny 1 can tell that.

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  RE:2nd thought
by Dominic Manuel on May 30, 2008 03:41 PM   Permalink
Good line of thinking. The killer is from within. Otherwise why should a killer bother to drag the body to terrace, cover it with cooler cover and lock the terrace again. Whoever may be that killer, he or she has taken enough time without hurrying. If there was any other killer they would have bolted Dr and Mrs. Talwars' room. A person who knew where the keys to terrace was, should also be knowing their bedroom.

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  RE:2nd thought
by harish dewangan on May 30, 2008 03:20 PM   Permalink
Rajesh Talwar was taking the name of one person saying that he has plotted everything against him.

Police should look for this line also and toe it further. May he is the one whom u r talking about.

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  RE:RE:2nd thought
by harish dewangan on May 30, 2008 03:23 PM   Permalink
Whatever be the case...The family is under scanner and a member close or a family member has done this ghastly, ugly crime for a ugly motive ...Ghor kalyug in India..

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