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dutt tada case
by nagraj goud on Jul 31, 2007 06:07 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is very sad day to the bollywood that the court decides six years prison to sanjaydutt. It is not necessary to give a six years jail, but fined him as much as possible because he is not a big criminal like our politicians. So many criminals in india are happily enjoying their lifes but our courts and police never catch them. May be God will help us for India.
Too much delay in court cases became common in Indian democracy. I hate this and the whole India hates our court decisions.

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  RE:dutt tada case
by advait ashtekar on Aug 01, 2007 11:27 AM   Permalink
please think over it..

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  RE:RE:dutt tada case
by Gurjeet Singh on Aug 03, 2007 02:16 PM   Permalink
Decisions of the courts are based on facts of the cases, material evidences, and not on the sentiments of the people or status of the guilty persons. It is of no relevance to compare sanjay dutt case with that of politicians or other criminals. No doubt, He is very friendly with the crminals involved in 1993 blasts and acquired arms from them whether it is acquired for his protection or for lust of possessing the sophisticated arms. Though he was having close links with the terrorists involved in 1993 blasts because of which he was tried under TADA act but even then, the Hon'ble Judge has given Mr Dutt the possible minimum penalty of six years in jail otherwise, he should have been convicted for ten years or more in jail. On appeal,it may be curtailed. It will be a lesson for highly placed persons who either have no respect for the law or take law into their hands. Hon'ble Judge has very wisely given the judgement.

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  RE:dutt tada case
by mahesh chavan on Aug 01, 2007 02:40 AM   Permalink
Nagaraj and ilkes like you are missing point here about the crime committed.

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