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A very good Decision by Judge Kode........ :))
by Jayesh patil on Aug 02, 2007 02:44 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

We welcomes and appreciates the decision taken by judge Mr.Kode. now we can expect the some kind of hope from the system. For nations law, all are same whether he/she is a high publicity or Politician or anyone. Mr. Kode has successeded to keep a faith on the system by this decision. I expect from Supreme Court the same kind of action and to keep it up.

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  RE:A very good Decision by Judge Kode........ :))
by Manisha Jayakar on Aug 02, 2007 10:48 AM   Permalink


After 6 years he will no longer be the No 1 in his field he has to struggle and that will not be his age to struggle. He will than not be offered Hero Roles, this decesion has ruined his future life.

My FRIEND in the film industry until you are in lime light every one will be with you but once you are out of that light no one care for you, How many of the old actor/actress you know now who are out of the lime light, HoWare they living, what are they doing????

We only hear when the death news comes on the TV.

Think before you pass the judgement, you can ruine someones life for just setting up an example in the society.

He has not killed anyone, he might be under pressure If anyone point a gun on your family and tell you to do the same thing that Sanjay did WILL YOU NOT DO IT?????????

The court has not consider his circumstance or why he did this they have straight away given punishment for his fault and to set the example in the society, which is not fair.

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  RE:A very good Decision by Judge Kode........ :))
by Jayesh patil on Aug 03, 2007 12:22 AM   Permalink

Just a one question, U seems to be so much worried about the FUTURE person who is involded, and what about the future of those peoples he already CRASHED in 93 blast??? If some one form your family would be the victim of that incident, would u have thought the same about this person who killed them??
This person has future, why those inocents who got killed, didn't they had some future? A father had a future for his daughter who wants his dauthter to get married with a gud guy and he was the only caretaker of that family. Didn't he had a future for his wife, who knows that after him nobody will be there to lookafter her and she will be helpless along with his old parents? Didn't he had a plan to earn a Bread for his family though they are poor one ? And he was not alone...there were so many such fathers and caretakes in victims. Whatever his involvement is....for law he is guilty.

Why, only stars and rich persons deservers to have FUTURE ?????
Let me tell you one thing dear.....the person for whome you are caring so much....will not come to help you when you will be in trouble and was expecting a help. Insted if you just showed some sympathy to the bhikari in your local area, I'm dam sure he will not forget you and will help at his best in need.

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