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Videos cant lie
by kurnoolbomb on May 24, 2008 03:47 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Anita was very much long time friends with the family. Growing up videos of arushi were shown on TV and Anita Dur-rani was very much there in each and every moment of her life. WIFE SWAPPING is not illegal our constitution says "Consenting Adults' no case. But what about children who quietly suffer because mommy1 and daddy2 wanna have fun with another daddy1 and mommy2. What could have that lill kid gone thru.......... oh god have mercy on the soul.

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  RE:Videos cant lie
by sukhwant singh on Jun 01, 2008 02:14 PM   Permalink
It is amazing to read the various comments of the general public. Lets get things into correct perspective.

First. Our media and press are irresponsible.
Second. Our police are NOT rpt NOT trained to carry out investigations of crimes in Urban India. THAT IS A FACT.
Three. All young girls around 14 -16 are in a growing up process and they are more knowledgable than parents, servants police etc. Arushi is or was not a fool.
Five. Her father in a supposedly intimate relationship with a collegue is of real no consequence. By intimate what is really meant. Going to bed? or what else. In the Indian warped mind SEX seems to be the only thing that is a sin. Please stop being typically middle class and use your brains dear readers. The police ahve as yet NOT found any evidence. Goes to prove how incompetant they are. Imagine not sealing off the house after the murder (s) were reported. Extraordinarily stupid.

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Noida case: Durranis reject charges