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Questions Answers- Police -Media
by mohamed ajmal on May 24, 2008 12:32 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

i am suprised by ig's statement that father killed girl on two reasons,1. she knew about affair 2. SHE WAS IN A COMPROMISING POSITION WITH SERVENT!.looking at the recordings,girl made a 14 yr old boyfriend whom she has told everything.BOTH SERVANT AND GIRL ARE DEAD,can polce claim on just father's confession- POOR GIRL HAD AN AFFAIR, he might be lying just to share evil in family on girl, defaming a girl that too dead is utterly shameful and baseless.
i am doctor by profession,and also my wife, i cant remember single day,i brought surgical blade in my pocket TO HOME!!
surgical blade is 5-6cms long, cant cut it except by using a Blade holder which is 15 cms which gives a good grip to cut, this incident seem to had been clearly preplanned,talwar and durrani and also nupur should all had to be involved.They has threatened servent earlier.
as per psychology if girl had been in involved in affair she would herself be guilty conscious and said chalta hai, the girl is clean THATS WHY SHE IS OPPOSING HER FATHER.
police is saying it was a "clean slit"-that what we doctors call it,i myself have done postmortems, to kill in single slit and that too without any struggle immpossible until you drug the girl?? did police do a chemical and blood analysis on the girl body??why she was cremated so soon.
Were the durrani and talwar family involved in wife swapping??
Until we bring religious and indian cultural values in our lives, india will get all evils in the west?
if any media personal cal

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  RE:Questions Answers- Police -Media
by Ramanathan Umapathy on May 24, 2008 01:11 PM   Permalink
Yes the whole case reeks of unanswered questions
can a doctor slit his daughter's throat? Why he did it?
She knew too much?Of What? what is the matter which made both father and mother to kill their own innocent daughter?Honour Killing Bull shit!
Police -as rightly said by Dr Ajamal and others, are shielding some body
There is some bigger gun involved was it with Dr's wife?which the daughter knew?To keep business intact parents kill a young girl after drugging her?The story by police reeks of dirty foul smell People of Delhi should meet SG and the President to investigate thro' CBI.
The whole police story is bloody sham.Young girl gets killed for some hidden unanswered questions? Servant and girl affir is cooked up
Rather both knew the shady matter and have been silenced
Let Delhi Govt/Ms shiela Dixit raise to the occasion for justice to an innocent girl

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  RE:Questions Answers- Police -Media
by mahamadpoppat on May 24, 2008 12:37 PM   Permalink
yes mohamed i agree with you..and the talwar family is so silent i think some black mailing is done by UP police i feel so

wat say?

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  RE:Questions Answers- Police -Media
by mohamed ajmal on May 24, 2008 12:43 PM   Permalink
police might have told them this whole idea itself that you tell she was in a compramising situation and you killed her in rage
so you will get less punishment

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  RE:Questions Answers- Police -Media
by Am Indian on May 24, 2008 12:36 PM   Permalink
sensible post.

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Noida case: Durranis reject charges