You have to expect this.Our TN Fishermen still do not realise that there is a war in Sri lanka and both the Govt and LTTE have powerful Sea Combat Units engaged in it. Sri Lanka Govt Navy suspects any boat that is in their territory as LTTE boat and attacks.But we cant deny the fact that some of TN fishermen are under the payroll of LTTE to smuggle explosives and narcotics to Lanka.So the navy of Sri Lanka arrests or attacks any boat that has not identified itself to the Navy.Our CoiastGuard can intervene and direct the TN Fishermen not to enter Sri Lanka waters and also not to fall prey to LTTE money power and lose life.
by snpost on May 15, 2008 04:09 PM Permalink
We donot have to expect this. Is Sri Lanka so powerful that Indian fisherman have to get permission to fish in areas they have fished for generation. The answer is no.
by Romesh Agarwal on May 15, 2008 04:51 PM Permalink
No sir. Use your brain and not heart. If that area belongs to another person you will have to get permission from him to enter that area. can you enter your neighbours garden to pluck mangoes from his tree without his permission?
by tamil boy on May 15, 2008 06:01 PM Permalink
This area has always been a fishing ground for tamils since time immemorial. This problem is due to the fact that Congress gave Kachchatheevu island was leased to Sri lanka in the 70's , without vene asking the Tamil fishermen opinions on this issue. Congress had no right to lease that island to sri lanka - and tamil fishermen does not see this island as belonging Sri Lanka. So why do they have to ask to go fishing in a place that rightfully belongs there.
Also remember coco island- congress lease that away to Burma in the 70's - who has since lease it to China. And China has built a military base to monitor us.
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 15, 2008 07:13 PM Permalink
This Romesh Agarwal's comments ae very pro Sinhala . He has not even once taken into accunt Sri Lankan govdrnment's state sponsored terrrorism and genocide against its Tamil population. He is even not bothered about the safety of his fellow Indian the Tamil fishermen who are fishing in their traditional grounds. I thnik he either is a very antu Tamil North Indian or on eof these Sinhala coming here with a pseudo North Indian Tamil Brahmin name. Go and read Bishop Desmond Tutu's comments about Sri Lanka in the past few days (may be he will call him also a terrorist)
by Romesh Agarwal on May 16, 2008 09:19 AM Permalink
Mr sethukalavar, who are you to call me names? i am a true Indian and not a lankan tamilian like you using an indian website to attack indians.Please write your long stories in a LTTE website and do not spoil our country.In fact I was appreciating you for your knowledge of Sri lanka history and thought I could learn some from your postings but now I realise that they may be one sided and made up stories to create a feeling among indians that the sinhala are bad people.Get lost from here terrorist sympathiser.You better go to neighbours house without his permission and see what happens to you.May be that is legal you do in your country.LOL
by Romesh Agarwal on May 16, 2008 10:04 AM Permalink
Tamil boy, rightfully or wrongfully, the kachchatheevu island now legally belongs to sri lanka (read history, it was not leased!) and they have a legal right to own it.There is nothing like traditional land once it is given/transferred/sold.Your argument is like after signing a deed of sale of your ancestoral house to another and in a few years time claiming ownership of the house calling it a traditional house of yours. You are a damned idiot ruled by emotions and not by commonsense.I am an indian who is more worried about indians safety. Try to find solution to safeguard INNOCENT tamilian fishermen legally.