RE:ban reservation
by Karthik LakshmiNarasimman on May 14, 2008 05:43 PM Permalink
MR arun Dont go by what said by some media. I visited the village that was affected and spoke with many ppl there, the wall which is in question was built during the problem which happened in 90's through mutual consent. Now this idiot commie Karat wanted some extra milage, so he bribed some SC ST youths there and made the mole out of mountian. Infact , the land in which the wall was contructed belongs to a person. its not common land.
RE:ban reservation
by Mayur Aandi on May 14, 2008 07:33 PM Permalink
Bhaiyon Aur Behno...Please all listen carefully, Arun Kumar has spoken. I think we should shut up now. Only he has read history.
RE:ban reservation
by arun kumar on May 14, 2008 05:29 PM Permalink
I am very well aware about it. Reservation rises becas the higher class people I think you r ver poor in history .. Please go back to improve your history
RE:ban reservation
by Venu gopal on May 14, 2008 05:31 PM Permalink
Mr Arun do you know what is the percetage of reservation in this state?First you understand then post..
RE:ban reservation
by Deepak MA on May 14, 2008 05:31 PM Permalink
Did Brahmins buildthe wall in TN??? If youdont know the story take something or somebody's and shove it up your mouth to keep it shut!
RE:ban reservation
by anant narayanan narayanan on May 14, 2008 05:48 PM Permalink
For Arun Kumar, he wants only brahmins" because it is a tasty one, he cannot taste caste hindus, becuase it is bitter which he thinks.Anything happens, they first put the blame on Brahmins.
RE:ban reservation
by Rash Group on May 14, 2008 05:39 PM Permalink
Hey, the incident you are referring to in Madurai involves some pillaimars & mudaliars and the dalits. Brahmins are nowhere in the picture. Please try to come out of the dead theory of anti-brahminism
RE:RE:RE:ban reservation
by Deepak MA on May 14, 2008 05:38 PM Permalink
Shut up you unwanted hair! Give a logical answer if you can... then go and report abuse.. shows your jerky mentality!
RE:ban reservation
by T KRISHNAN on May 14, 2008 05:29 PM Permalink
Mr. Arun Kumar, It is not brahmins, but caste Hindus (read Pillais, Thevars and others) who are ill-disposed towards dalits. Brahmin domination in Tamil Nadu expired 40 years back. Where are you?
RE:ban reservation
by arun kumar on May 14, 2008 05:32 PM Permalink
Yeah i know it. But how many Brahmins will accept thier son or daughter marriying a dalits. How many dalits work as preists in temples
RE:ban reservation
by T KRISHNAN on May 14, 2008 05:35 PM Permalink
This is common to any caste or sub-sect. Why blame only brahmins for this? Will a Muslim or Christian parent allow his son / daughter to marry outside the religion? Please do not mix-up issues. We are talking about reservation. You brought in the subject of brahminism in Tamil Nadu. Today in TN, brahmins are the least provocative in anything. They mix with other castes better than so-called caste Hindus.