Instead of leaving matters to the interpretation of every one and prolonging legal battles on interpretation it self,supreme Court should have made things crystal clear by defining what is higher education.Some wise man has correctly said that "law is an ass and can be interpreted in any manner"Hence at least in such judgments which are likely to spur nationwide controversy, legal battles etc,the honourable judges could have as well vented what exactly they had in mind
by Fried Yakov on May 14, 2008 11:27 PM Permalink
Why do we not call for reservations for the post of ministers / political party men? The reservations should be the same percentage as for jobs and higher education.
by mallaiah anchoori on May 15, 2008 07:08 AM Permalink
As it is,by accident and in order to appease the reserved category berths are also given to them out of those elected under reservation..As such,no reservation need be made specifically