Reservations for OBC SC/ST is difficult to digest for upper class because upper caste like Brahmins have birth reservation for becoming pujaries etc. First remove these types of reservation from Hindu Society then justify what reservation should be there and for whom
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by Righteous on May 14, 2008 05:42 PM Permalink
amit singh YOU ARE MORON....Why Brahmin bashing when their plight is IN FACT deteriorated below SC ST level !!
And BRAHMINS are not the only one remaining in GENERAL category
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by a on May 15, 2008 04:40 PM Permalink
abe amit singh, tu pujari banega ? fokat ka quota le kar aish kar na, apni gandi g#nd faila ke.
no one wants to be a pujari, it is such an impoverished job, least of all you quotakhor lazy hags, so dont talk nonsense. Where do you wnat to be a pujari? I will make you a pujari today. Come and do puja near where I live. khali bhcahar bhachar karta hai
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by Bharat Kr on May 14, 2008 06:50 PM Permalink
Well said, amit singh. The so-called upper caste must shed their superiority and act as equal Hindus. Else, no justification for opposing reservation.
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by west on May 14, 2008 05:39 PM Permalink
God is everywhere. why you so much interested in becoming pujari? you can pray to God anywhere and anytime. Also, it's not easy job to be pujari ... can you go through all the rituals like a pujari and follow all the traditions? Stop being a hypocrite.
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by Deepak Mohanty on May 14, 2008 09:16 PM Permalink
Don't peddle some political snake oil here dear. Nobody has a birthright to pray to the God. Similarly nobody has the birthright to be a priest. If some existing temple does not allow you inside, force your way in. If some existing temple does not allow you to be a priest, erect your own. The progressive among the Hindus will support you whole-heartedly.
And as far as reservation for the OBCs goes, it is a case of seer opportunism. The OBCs are no more downtrodden than many of their so called upper caste counterparts. It is just that easy money is just too lucrative to resist.
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by west on May 14, 2008 05:45 PM Permalink
why u worried about dalits so much. when you so much worried for their upliftment, why don't you serve them whole your life? Also, why don't you get all your family members married to only dalits ... you can be champion to their cause.
RE:RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by mandook on May 15, 2008 10:12 AM Permalink
Dear Amit Singh, DMK and DK do not believe in God but they want pujaris' job which is to do puja to God! How hypocritical are Mu Karunanidhi and his clan?
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by west on May 14, 2008 05:47 PM Permalink
hey singh - why don't you take care of the problems in your own community like terrorism? why do you have to bother about hinduism as an outsider?
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by Rajalakshmi on May 14, 2008 05:53 PM Permalink
Amit Singh,
Why do you want reservation???..Why don't u study and Compete equally with General category and pass with Merit. Asking for reservation itself is admitting that you are inferior and can Never have the ability of the General category ...Do you still want Reservation???
And General category consists of not only Brahmins.....there are poor brahmins and other general castes and Rich SC/OBCs...Please try to know the facts before you post something.
RE:Difficult to digest reservation by upper caste
by Bharat Prashar on May 14, 2008 05:53 PM Permalink
Brahmins are but a fraction of the upper caste population and not all of them go on to become Pujaris etc. Pray do tell us about the birth reservation" of the other upper caste groups in the Hindu society. Incidentally by your logic it could also be argued that the OBCs and SCs also enjoy birth reservation in their traditional occupations. By all means do post your opinions if you must but please do remember to make proper use of that most important organ in your body, the BRA1N!!!