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To Mr.Chelvarajan Sethukavalar and other people of TAMIL ELLAM
by grt on May 07, 2008 07:34 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Appreciate you for posting many facts of TAMIL ELLAM.

But people of TAMIL ELLAM has failed in bringing these attrocities of Sinhalese to the world.
Do you know why?.

Why cant you peoples of TAMIL ELLAM form a forum like Dalai Lama and try to meet all the leaders in the world and expose the attrocities commited by sinhalese to the whole world.

Why cant you peoples of TAMIL ELLAM atleast try that?.

See how Jews got their home land back from the arab occupation. Learn the history from Jews.

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  RE:To Mr.Chelvarajan Sethukavalar and other people of TAMIL ELLAM
by grt on May 07, 2008 07:35 PM   Permalink
To Mr.Chelvarajan Sethukavalar and other people of TAMIL ELLAM

1. Integrate with each and every country where you live as a refugee.
2. Involve in local politics and social issues.
3. Learn each country's politics and fund political parties in each country that supports your cause.
4. Create leaders in each country where you live.
5. Never use LTTE tag outside Tamil ELLAM until you expatriates highlight the issues of genocide occupation of sinhalese to the whole world. (as your enemies are using this tag to hide their crimes).
6. Let LTTE defend the tamil land in TAMIL ELLAM.Their job has to be confined only within that island. But birth of new country called TAMIL ELLAM is entirely dependant on Tamil Ellam refuggees and expatraites living outside Tamil ELLAM.
7. Irrespective of PLOT, TELO, EPDP,LTTE --all tamil refugees and tamil expatriates living around the globe has to join hands together and take the FREEDOM MOVEMENT forward.

8. Final word, do remember LTTE can protect and secure peoples in Tamil ELLAM. They can protect the tamil homeland and fight with sinhalese army and get back the occupied lands from sinhalese army.But nothing more they can do.

Only Tamil ELLAM peoples living around the globe can take the freedom movement forward.
Do realise this.

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  RE:To Mr.Chelvarajan Sethukavalar and other people of TAMIL ELLAM
by Gania Huani on May 09, 2008 03:39 AM   Permalink
I believe Sinhalese are peace loving buddhists.

I believe TAMIL ELLAM are terrorists controlled
by evil christians, who believe any one who does
not belong to their religion, race and/or ethnicity
deserves to be tortured, robbed and killed.

Muslims are similar to the evil christians,
although christians are more cunning because
christians are more secretive.

For proof go to

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