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by Romesh Agarwal on May 07, 2008 09:01 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Lanka Tamilians need peace but LTTE and its supporters and sympathisers cannot give it. Bcoz LTTE is a well known terrorist outfit and their activities are pure terrorism, no doubt. Indian central government (whatever party is in power), Lanka Government(Whatever party is in power)Moderate peace loving Tamilian intellectuals and leaders in Lanka and of course Tamil Nadu Government(Whatever party is in power)will have to get together and solve the problem.Without the input of TN Govt this problem will never be solved.This is my personal view after watching the pathetic situation of lanka tamilians for some time..

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by Sun on May 07, 2008 09:32 AM   Permalink
100% true. But the problem is about the TN govt. It indirectly supports the LTTE goons for the sake of few votes.

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by grt on May 07, 2008 07:17 PM   Permalink
do look at TN govt headed by Karunanidhi.
If you know the politics of LTTE & TN & INDIA, you will never say this.

Prabakaran was the pet of MGR(ADMK founder) and likewise Indira Ghandhi had another pet, Karunanidhi had another pet during 1980s.
Later the pets of Karunanidhi were killed by LTTE & MGR. Why will Karunanidhi support LTTE ?.

If Karunanidhi has supported LTTE, today TAMIL ELLAM would have been born with the help of india.Look at the power of DMK that has in indian govt.

I feel pity on u Mr.SUN. Go and read Indian politics and history linked to Tamil ELLAM for the last 25 years.

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by grt on May 07, 2008 07:13 PM   Permalink
Dear Romesh,

Longback Tamils of TAMIL ELLAM(Srilanka) has rejected living alongwith srilanka. So there is nothing to do with LTTE or anyother tamil parties of tamil ellam. 60 years of genocidal activities of sinhalese has led tamils to declare their nation on their own.
Why should we indians think -ve about our ancient land of tamils of Tamil Ellam?. Lets us be proactive like chinese.

See, cholas were the ancient kings of current tamilnadu & Tamilellam(Srilanka). TamilEllam(Srilanka) was inhabited by tamils ruled by cholas. Later sinhalese occupied it and wiped out tamils, tamil culture and hindu culture.

When TANJORE the capital of Cholas is with tamilnadu(india),why Anuradhapuram the second native capital of cholas should be with Srilanka?

Let us merge our ancient lands of tamils of TAMIL ELLAM with India.Let it be part of india like Tamilnadu & Pondichery.

After merging it with india, LTTE can be a good united army of india to protect our ancient lands of india in south.LTTE's commitment and sacrifice can be used to strengthen our army to handle chinese and pakistanis and sinhalese.

Let us be ve and help our fellow brothers and sisters of TAMIL ELLAM to liberate themselves from sinhalese occupation & genocide.

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