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by Rash Group on May 07, 2008 03:00 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

LTTE are the paid agents of church, just to destroy hinduism amongst srilankan tamils and force christian culture. Their links with the church and particularly with Italian Mafia gandhi should be probed.

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by grt on May 07, 2008 03:51 PM   Permalink
Good fun Mr.Rash.

Buddhists sinhalese of Srilanka has destroyed 3000 years old temples in Tamil ELLAM and they have built Buddhists monastery.

Sinhalese has systematically wiped tamil hindus.
Today Among tamils Christians are very minority and hindus forms the majority and Tamil Muslims are in very good numbers when compared christians.

The oldest temples and the oldest hindu culture still exists in Tamil ellam because it is protected by LTTE and his highness V.Prabakaran.

Better you visit tamil ellam than commenting.
You will understand how buddhists in other parts of the world behaves and how buddhists in srilanka have become terrorists and commiting genocide against tamil community and hindu culture.

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by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 04:44 PM   Permalink
Yes grt are you aware of the ancient HIndu shirne of Kathirgammam. This is where Lord Murugan( or Karthik/Hirthik to North Indians) met and wooed the Veddah girl Valli and married her. Thi sis the reason many Tamil males are called Kathirgamer ( which means Murugan/Karthik or Hirthik). This was a pure Tamil area adjoining the Tamil Eastern province. Traditionally this was a Tamil area and puja in this Temple ws conducted by the Tamil Brahmin priests. Now the entire Tamil population has been chesed off and thisplace is now renamed Kataragamma in Sinhala. Hug Buddhist Viharas and temple complexes have been built in this area and this ancient prehistoric Murugan temple is dwarfed. Now only the Sinhala Buddhist kapuraalas are allowed to perform pujas in this ancient HIndu place of worship. The Sinhala Buddhist are claiming many ancient Hindu places of worship as theirs. They are suported by thoer politicians. This is to destroy the ancient Tamil Hindu history in the NOrth and East. Especiaaly in the East as it has falled to them. The Sinhalas are now treating the Tamil East as conquered land to be colinise by the Sinhalses and the Tamil Hindus to be made a permanent minorty. The Tami lMuslims are supporting this SInhala move. Their latest claim is the ancient Siva Temple of Thirukonneswaram in Trincomalee. This temple is of Ramayana fame. The Duth and Protuguese detroyed it and it was rebuilt by the Tamils.

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by grt on May 07, 2008 05:14 PM   Permalink
In india muslims destroyed Hinduism.

In TamilEllam, buddhists are destroying hinduism. But Tamils are bravely confronting it without the support from India.

I would say , BJP(indian political party) instead of re-building ram temple they can try to protect hinduism in Tamil Ellam which is under occupation with Buddhism.

if you see Ellam Tamils are the one who took hinduism to all corners of the world.

wherever u go in the world, For practicing hinudism , indians has to visit temples built by Ellam tamils.

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by vox populi on May 07, 2008 03:30 PM   Permalink
certain scandinavian countries are supporting LTTE--religious bond!!!

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by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on May 07, 2008 04:29 PM   Permalink
Whaat do you say to the Sri Lankangovt/Sinhala destruction of Hindu temples in teh north and east, grabbing ancient Tamil Hindu lands and making them Sinhala Buddhist lands. COnverting ancient Siva temples to Buddhist Temples / That is fine by you. Oh I forgot the they have recently received a nice oft loan of $200 million from HIndu India to convert the Hindu Srilanka which is aorund 1/3 of Sri Lankan land to SInhala Buddhist land.once this ancient Tamil HIndu land has been converted to 100% Sinhala Buddhhist land the Sinhalese will thank teh Indian government by joining thoer long term friends China and Pakistan for anti Indian activities.

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