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Youth should raise inner party democracy as an issue
by Praveen George on Mar 26, 2008 09:26 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Rahul has a good point , it is this lack of inner party democracy in congress that is responsible for the current shape of the congress. The nehru family cannot be blamed for it. It is the typical slave mentality of our folks , worship power and money and not have an identity on ones own - primarily because of a caste culture which encourages worshipping the system even it is rotten that has brought us here. We should demand change including a change that some one from congress brings forth a viable pm candidate other than rahul. How can congress party folks be this fools. Is Rahul the only candidate you have , you should project atleast 3 candidates and then based on public opinion select the most winnable one, If rahul is the one selected he can run. Now this is like thrusting a single leader up and saying vote for him, that is no democracy. It is affirmation of a selection made by political honchos and not election of representatives by people. Some uppercaste fools(any one who thinks himself of uppercaste in 21st centure India is a fool) think India is a 2000bc India. No dudes we want a modern democratic progressive nation , not any slave nation which will do 'pooja' to any walking moron.Guest is not god, guest should be kept at a distance and shown respect, they are not family.

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  RE:Youth should raise inner party democracy as an issue
by Ram Sharma on Mar 26, 2008 09:34 PM   Permalink
It is the fault of the congressmen that there is no internal democracy in the party. Bcoz they cannot remain united without the dynasty power, Sonia, Rahul & Priyanka r all powerful.

Rahul should thank these congressmen, bcoz if there was internal democracy, he would not have become so powerful in the party.

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  RE:Youth should raise inner party democracy as an issue
by pruodNorth on Mar 26, 2008 09:29 PM   Permalink
why rajesh piolet, mahuray sindha, shrad power. cannot become president of congress. |Why narsmila rao become failure desipte being good on ecniomic. Simple india lacks natoinhood. All os hogepuch and artfical like EU

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Rahul, Cong's Dhoni, says youth is futur