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by Neutral on Mar 26, 2008 04:40 PM   Permalink

I think is rediff is too much boot licking Rahul gandhi. Please read the new for past few days
1. Rahul eats ragi roti
2. Rahul meets "Priyanka" in forest
3. Rahul is Dhoni
Are these topics so important to be covered in highlights

I would suggest you to open a new website
rahul DOT rediff DOT com.

U can have regular updates abt Rahul here
1. How many times Rahul takes tea
2. Rahul's favourite dishes
3. Rahul donates his toothpaste to a poor farmer in orissa.
4. Congress says Rahul is Dhoni...People say he is Ishant Sharma....
5. Online poll: In which dress Rahul looks smart---a) Pyjama b) Formals c) Jeans
Poll your answers....

No more Rahul news on the main site please

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Rahul, Cong's Dhoni, says youth is futur