He Said "At 37, I am an old person in India. The majority of India is younger than me," and than he said "old (people) are to be respected for their experience" What the hell experience he has?...scum.... and ridiculously keep comparing whith Dhoni? definitely rediff is Khan's boot licker...
by democrat on Mar 26, 2008 08:45 PM Permalink
Where did Rahul compare himself to Dhoni? In fact, Rahul was on the youth trip even before Dhoni was made captain. The Hindu Jehadis after putting up senile dinasaur - Advani as a PM candidate has suddenly got wet feet - thus the attack on Rahul and youth.
by Atul Thakkar on Mar 26, 2008 09:17 PM Permalink
everyone knows where rahul is coming from, and which party he is promoting! BTW, There is No word like "hindu jehadis" in dictionary. We all know where it suits well... it only fits well in your paki culture.