RE:please retire
by Kamal Mutneja on Mar 26, 2008 04:26 PM Permalink
Politics is a family business for corrupt and opportunitistics like him and Titlers, scindias etc. Its not for honest and hardworking people. If his mother is not having any income , how is she feeding her children? In what capacity they have been having government houses ? Are they public servants or touts?
RE:please retire
by prabhat mohanty on Mar 26, 2008 04:34 PM Permalink
Indira Gandhi was reasonably rich. Infact she was contemplating to become a Land Lady in London when she election in 77.
And inheriting Nehru/Gandhi family wealth should ensure a reasonably good life for Rahul & co.
He and her mother have already declared wealth during election.
Ofcourse, Mayawati & co depends on the party workers' contribution.