The biggest problem with Indiann nationalists is they can't appeal to mass population except few brahmin or thakur casts.
Congress though totally unworthy has managed to appeal the mass population for 60 years at the same time keeping India divided and directionless.
My perosnal opinion is BJP RSS must understand the sentiments of other casts, give up typical brahmin arrogance/image, unite all casts and tribals in our land. Then there will be no need for Congress, sonia and Left anymore.
RE:congress and India
by Vish on Mar 26, 2008 11:42 PM Permalink
I agree. BJP and RSS have failed miserably to unite the Hindus. Casteists and regionalists have exploited this weakness.
If Hindus are united, everything will fall in place. Casteists, communists, and regionalists will run for the life. Conversions will stop. Power and pride attract people, especially people of profile like converts.
BJP and RSS should start a social revolution as we've ssen in our country to eradicate casteism. This and only this movement will not save the country but also will make this top power in world.
RE:congress and India
by Arjun on Mar 26, 2008 11:58 PM Permalink
when was the last time we saw RSS or BJP leader shaking hands with ordinary man, walking outside security cordon, or going in tribal areas, or sharing interests with people outside their community?
There is this need of right image and mature attitude towards all hindu casts which BJP-RSS has failed to understand.
RE:RE:congress and India
by Arjun on Mar 27, 2008 12:02 AM Permalink
when was the last time we saw RSS or BJP leader shaking hands with ordinary man, walking outside security cordon, or going in tribal areas, or sharing interests with people outside their community?
There is this need of right image and mature attitude towards all hindu casts which BJP-RSS has failed to understand.
RE:RE:congress and India
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 11:44 PM Permalink
That's the whole mysetry about - they have absoletely nothing to be arrogrant about and yet they are arrogant. It's a caste thing which the whole world knows about