RE:Who are promoters of ''Swami Vivekananda youth movement''?
by democrat on Mar 26, 2008 08:48 PM Permalink
Wrong Tathagata. They were RSS tribal youth who fell out with their roots and now lean towards atracted by the Congress pro-tribal policies.
RE:Who are promoters of ''Swami Vivekananda youth movement''?
by Atul Thakkar on Mar 26, 2008 09:18 PM Permalink
everyone knows where rahul is coming from, and which party he is promoting! BTW, There is No word like "hindu jehadis" in dictionary. We all know where it suits well... it only fits well in your paki culture.
RE:Who are promoters of ''Swami Vivekananda youth movement''?
by Pop Head on Mar 26, 2008 10:02 PM Permalink
No word like Paki as well in the dictionary or porkistan but we all know what it refers too - Hindu Jehadis