I think Rahul will lead india to a Super Power in the near future. Congress laid many good things in the past and the result is going to happen. Many people are living in good condition than they were 10 years back. Salaries increased, income tax reduced and thus more money will flow to market, consumer spending will increase, more people will get job. Technologically is in top position and in many ways our leaders especially Congress party laided the stone to become India a super power than China & US. Do not worry please support a young blooded energetic leader and appreciate his effort to make this more better than today.
RE:India Superpower
by Vikas Bhatt on Mar 26, 2008 05:34 PM Permalink
Who created this market stability? Who created this jobs? Who brought in closer Indo-US ties that made it all possible? Who started work on necessary infrastructure needed? Who brought in privatization and industrial growth? Who brought in technological advancement for our software, industries and BPOs to prosper?
It was NDA. Congress got a ready thali of cooked food to take credit off. before NDA USA was always a Pak friend and the world led by UK-USA ignored India. India was confined to licking Russia for everything and buttering China for it's international position. It was Vajpayee's foreign policies that we are benefiting from today along with economy.
RE:India Superpower
by Shreesh Onkar on Mar 26, 2008 04:55 PM Permalink
ha ha ha wat a joke... seems like a servent of G-N family(plz plz take it as a complement and dont start writing hate mails)
RE:India Superpower
by Vikas Bhatt on Mar 26, 2008 05:33 PM Permalink
Who created this market stability? Who created this jobs? Who brought in closer Indo-US ties that amde it all possible? Who staretd work on necessary infrastructure needed? Who brought in privatization and industrial growth? Who brought in technological advancement for our software, idustries and BPOs to prosper?
Itw as NDA. Congress got a ready thali of cooked food to take credit off. before NDA USA was always a Pak friend and the world led by UK-USA ignored India. India was confined to licking Russia for everything and buttering China for it's internation position. It was Vajpayee's foreign policies thatw e are benefitingf rom today along with economy.