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by Sun on Mar 26, 2008 06:45 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

This joker says there should be inner party democracy.Why doesnt he look at his face in the mirror foirst before talking about other parties. Atleast others have a semblance of elections. But in Congress it is always the High commands appointments!!!!

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by democrat on Mar 26, 2008 06:53 PM   Permalink
And of course the BJP equivalent is the Sangh Parivar - it was the latter and not the party that ousted Advani as President of BJP.

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by Piyush Bhargava on Mar 26, 2008 07:13 PM   Permalink
The Sangh parivar is an idiological organisation where decisions are not taken by any one person unlike the Congress.You may or may not subscribe to its idiology. But atleast there is no Chamchagiri like the Congress and the leaders come up on their own strength rather unlike the Congress where chamchagiri of and being close to Sonia is all that matters.

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by Tera Baap on Mar 26, 2008 07:19 PM   Permalink
Yes. you are right about CONG. But if you look at the history of Jan Sangh (now BJP) you will realize what they are upto. First they killed Mahatma Gandhi with the help of RSS activist and now they are targeting Muslims and Christians to gather Hindu Sympathy!

I don't blame it to any person you, me or general public but its in our sub continent blood that we don't understand basic facts and criticize virtually anything go or bad!

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by democrat on Mar 26, 2008 07:16 PM   Permalink
But remain an extra-constitutional entity nevertheless which supercede a supposedly elected office bearers of the BJP. Besides the Sangh Parivar leadership is not democratically elected. At least the Congress is much better - their President is elected by the party

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by Piyush Bhargava on Mar 26, 2008 07:27 PM   Permalink
THe fact is that there can be no other president in the congress other than the Nehru clan.The Bawarchi of the Nehru clan gets a ticket to the state assembly.Can there be a better example chamchagiri.

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by democrat on Mar 26, 2008 07:38 PM   Permalink
At least they have a President, elected by both the party and member of parliament (people) fully empowered. BJP is a sad case. Their Presidents are puppets of the Sangh Parivar

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Rahul, Cong's Dhoni, says youth is futur