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true story of china
by subhasis ray on Mar 27, 2008 08:32 AM   Permalink

i interact with lots of chinese and i m saying facts from my experience
1) It is true that chinese stay within their communities...that we also do
2) It is true that they are more hardworking than us
3) It is true that in terms of intelligence we r better than them...they r mostly good in copying stuff
4) It is true that we r smarter than them and have more entrepreneurial cababilities bcos we have a base of english
5) It is true that they face all those same problems of poverty,corruption,pollution but on a smaller scale since they started the reforms 10yrs before india did
6) But the biggest thing is independence...the members here are all indians and therefore we dont know how it is to live in a communist country.
7) Socially China is very had 10000 riots last yr...evrything that you do is monitored by someone...u can't discuss politics like we r doing it here...more than one baby is discouraged..think about those parents who would have lost their only child due to some reason...their is provincial discrimnation among people for eg if you belong to shanghai u and u find a job in beijing u pay more tax..u can buy a house in beijing but then pay more tax..u can get into beijing university provided ur cutoff is higher than residents of beijing...u can but land in china but after 70yrs govt takes it back which means ur future generation stays poor again..n lots of other issues

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