China has a border problem with every neighbour of theirs ... Taiwan, Russia, India, Myanmar, Tibet ... this list goes on endless. China has only one agenda ... that is to annexe the whole of Asia. Greed knows no boundaries nor has any morals or scruples left.
RE:The whole of Asia belongs to China???
by Ping Liu on Mar 25, 2008 09:26 PM Permalink
In fact, China had settled its land border issues by negotiation with all countries but India.
RE:The whole of Asia belongs to China???
by Manjula A on Mar 26, 2008 10:11 AM Permalink
Don't lie so blatantly please. The next thing you will say is, had the NDA continued in power, China would have done so with India too.
RE:The whole of Asia belongs to China???
by raj on Mar 25, 2008 10:59 AM Permalink
absolutely. they are a cancer, a virus that grows and leaves everything lifeless and hollow in its tracks. things will get only worse when they have confidence and money. a good state will do good when they have money, the rogue states are well, lets look at china.
RE:The whole of Asia belongs to China???
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 25, 2008 08:30 PM Permalink
Gujarat is also rogue state as state sponsored terrorism is there even now.
RE:The whole of Asia belongs to China???
by XianYe on Mar 26, 2008 11:21 AM Permalink
You are totally wrong. Tibet and Taiwan are both part of China. China has sovled boundary issues with all surrounding countries, BAR India. Doesn't the fact speak volumes? Twisting the facts serves no purpose, and certainly won't advance ur courses. India is enemy to all her neighbours (Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Nepel, Bangledash and China). Thank god, you are bound by the ocean, otherwise you would have hostile neighbours to the south too. WHY???
RE:The whole of Asia belongs to China???
by sri on Mar 26, 2008 10:11 PM Permalink
Tibet was for most of its history never a part of CHina. You should know that India has many friends in the world. In contrast CHina is hated by almost every country in the region and in the world. Japan, South Korea, Phillipines, Vietnam, are all hateful of CHina. Only North Korea and maybe Iran ae close to China and even that due to economic reasons. Sri Lanka and Myanmar are not hostile to India, by the way.