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Indians I know
by Sonderaj on Mar 26, 2008 08:37 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

1. Most Indians have a big mouth. They spend tremendous amount of time talking, yet they have no interest to actually work.
2. Always point fingers at each other. I assume most people on this board belong to the small proportion of educated indians. It seems that everyone here blame their government for India's misery. Everyone is accusing someone else.
3. Out of touch with reality. Indian tends discuss issues irrelevant to their daily life. Instead of taking time to solve domestic issues, they'd follow with what Paris Hilton is wearing and whom Britney is dating.
4. Illusive. They always envision India a super power while there is no power in their apartment.The India media likes to boast India to be world's largest economy in 2050. They often carry banners of India being the 3rd largest economy in 2012. Words frequently used in media are India : "will be; forecast; predict; eyes; sees; become; might, maybe;"
4. No confidence. Indian are very kin to opnions of foreigners. It doesn't matter whether it is true or false. It is easy to fool an indian: praise him for his ignorance. Most indians are proud of their
5. Weak and lazy. This is reflected by how poor Indians are in sports competition.
6. Frenzied nationalism. Most guys here claim to be patriotic to their country. But they would rather stay in the U.S. working a janitorial job.

This can go on and on....

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  RE:Indians I know
by Govind Nishar on Mar 26, 2008 09:48 PM   Permalink
Looks like you have given more a self-portrait here. See how much of this applies to yourself, particularly points 1, 2 & 3. If you are not an Indian then you are obviously projecting. Get a life before asking others to get one, friend.

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  RE:Indians I know
by subhasis ray on Mar 27, 2008 08:24 AM   Permalink
i interact with lots of chinese and i m saying facts from my experience..but still i can't say it applies to all chinese
1) It is true that chinese stay within their communities...that we also do
2) It is true that they are more hardworking than us
3) It is true that in terms of intelligence we r better than them...they r mostly good in copying stuff
4) It is true that we r smarter than them and have more entrepreneurial cababilities bcos we have a base of english
5) It is true that they face all those same problems of poverty,corruption,pollution but on a smaller scale since they started the reforms 10yrs before india did
6) But the biggest thing is independence...the members here are all indians and therefore we dont know how it is to live in a communist country.
7) Socially China is very had 10000 riots last yr...evrything that you do is monitored by someone...u can't discuss politics like we r doing it here...more than one baby is discouraged..think about those parents who would have lost their only child due to some reason...their is provincial discrimnation among people for eg if you belong to shanghai u and u find a job in beijing u pay more tax..u can buy a house in beijing but then pay more tax..u can get into beijing university provided ur cutoff is higher than residents of beijing...u can but land in china but after 70yrs govt takes it back which means ur future generation stays poor again..n lots of other issues
Don't compare chicken and goat.

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  RE:Indians I know
by sri on Mar 27, 2008 02:07 AM   Permalink
Anirban, you commies are traitors. Why dont you go and live in China? Or is it that you prefer the freedom Indian democracy gives you? You guys are snakes who keep poor people poor and illiterate people illiterate. See Bengal - it has hardly progressed after more than 30 years of CPM rule.

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  RE:Indians I know
by sri on Mar 26, 2008 09:39 PM   Permalink
You are obviously Chinese pretending very poorly to be an Indian.

Your points are all not worth even debating. You should go back and see what China is becoming - a big fat bully who falsely thinks that it is great. China has absolutely no morality, no real value as an international power, and is not a friend to any single country in this world. It is a selfish, dictatorial, country imagining that it is a superpower. The Chinese I have met are very very aggressive, selfish, and secretive people just like the country they come from. It is very difficult to get close to a Chinese person. They only eat their food, never mix well with others, never attempt to integrate into any society because they feel they are superior. But no one knows why they think they are great!

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