China has got the best leadership i have seen so far. I would like to have strong friendships with chinese.they are not enemies as that 1960s have passed thru long before .Now we are living in 2008 and we need there support in achieving our dreams. As of now China is a superpower and a highly advanced economy. I fully support Chinese Crackdown on Tibetans mongers who are invloved in rioting,looting and killing innocent citizens.Indian government has done a great job by supporting Chinese in their hour of need and controlling anti China protests in India.
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by sri on Mar 26, 2008 10:18 PM Permalink
It is strange that no one here seems to have suspected this person to be Chinese. The name is Indian but the language gives the game away. Not all Indians write good english but their bad english is different from the bad english of the chinese - it is easy to tell them apart. The chinese are clearly working on Indian sites such as rediff.
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Venkatesa Prabhu on Mar 25, 2008 10:23 AM Permalink
Do remember that making friends with the local rowdy may appear profitable in the short term but leads to a permanent problem in the longer term. Your views that Chinese are not the enemy of India is wishful thinking, not backed by current events as they have unfolded in recent times. You may want friendship with China but they have eyes only to annexe more and more territories belonging to other nations.
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by chetan kotur on Mar 25, 2008 10:52 AM Permalink
"China has got the best leadership i have seen so far." u r correct.. they massacared millions..
RE:RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 25, 2008 08:33 PM Permalink
China killed millions just like our modi killed millions of indian people.
RE:RE:RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Mahavir on Mar 26, 2008 05:07 PM Permalink
Mohmad Pradip Parekh Khan Modi saved millions from Jehadi terrorist attacks !!
RE:RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by ghanchakker on Mar 25, 2008 11:24 AM Permalink
you say that in China Internet is banned!you are wrong!chinese have killed millions and some time you and some of your friends say that millions in Nandigram have been killed!please check figures and then write!
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 25, 2008 08:32 PM Permalink
China killed millions just like our modi killed millions of indian people.
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Mahavir on Mar 26, 2008 05:06 PM Permalink
Mohmad Pradip Parekh Khan Modi saved millions from Jehadi terrorist attacks !!
RE:RE:RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 25, 2008 08:34 PM Permalink
China killed millions just like our modi killed millions of indian people.
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Hari Narasimhan on Mar 25, 2008 10:34 AM Permalink
Mr Vishal bhagwani...I presume that you are a sindhi from your name.How did your ancestors feel when they were mercilessly thrown out of their own land and massacred by the pakis?What is the difference between the plight of tibetans now and sindhis then ? You accuse tibetans of looting, rioting and killing innocent citizens now but do you know how China is systematically trying to wipe out tibetan culture by cultural genocide.The chinese are also guilty of atrocities not only in tibet but also in xinjiang and inner mongolia where they are exploiting all their natural wealth and wiping out the local ethnic minorities.Right now the chinese are powerful and that is why they are winning.Supporting tibetan protestors or not is left to the individual but I just wanted to put the record straight that chinese are not angels.
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by Ram Sharma on Mar 25, 2008 10:28 AM Permalink
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by chetan kotur on Mar 25, 2008 10:51 AM Permalink
that is not going to solve the problem.. problem is educating ppl.. bringing in a rule like this is just stupid.. and not according to laws of nature..
RE:Commendable job done by CHINA
by ghanchakker on Mar 25, 2008 11:18 AM Permalink
what is law of nature me chetan kotur!i appriciate mr vishal bhagwani's views and also mr ram sharma !they have given concrete arguements and dillidaLLY THE QUESTIONS!SO CHETAN KOTUR FOLLOW THEmR. VISHAL BHAGWANI AND RAM SHARMA'S VIEWS WHO HAVE CONCRETLY GIVEN SUGGESTIONS AND NOT AMBIGUES STATEMNTS LIKE YOU!BE SPECIFIC AND NOT ABUSIVE WHEN THE VIEWS ARE NOT TO YOUR LIKING!