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by suchet bal on Mar 25, 2008 11:22 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

As per a programme on TV channel Chin was one of the kingdom of Asia. The Chin warriers captured one neighbouring kingdom after another. The entire captured region was called China by the west. Lastly China captured Tibet, reacquired Hongkong, is waiting to capture Taiwan and recapture Arunachal Pradesh in bordering North East India which China claims is part of China. One day the hungry dragon will capture entire Asia, Eurasia, America and the world at this rate. There will be only one rule on earth and then the dragon will capture the moon and other planets, etc. There is no one to stop the dragon or it would have been stopped or challenged till date.

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by Pathur Swaminathan on Mar 26, 2008 12:52 AM   Permalink
Bal (an apt name),

Dragon itself is a myth and it will capture the moon and other planets - LOL!

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by Manjula A on Mar 26, 2008 10:10 AM   Permalink
A dragon may be a myth, but in the above message it is only a symbolic representation of the Chinese Government. And it is quite quite true that the communist government of that country has very big imperialist ambitions and is very very cunning.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Making sense of the Tibetan imbroglio