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Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by tanveer Khan on Mar 22, 2008 12:30 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Sir ,
I ask you Why Cry ? When you visit Israel and congratulate their leaders for the fight against terrorism , which it is not , Israel is much more ruthless as compared to China , Israel is also an Occupier country like China . The Dalai Lama is so shaken about the happenings in Tibet which made him cry what does he have to say about the happenings in Palestine which has been occupied by the Israelis since the last 41 years and hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and millions made homeless , for whom the world has been mute spectator and deaf and dumb . He has uttered a word against the illegal Israeli occupation and still he has been given a Nobel Peace prize we spit on such peace distribution bodies which are nothing but hypocrites . If the Dalai Lama has a awaken conscience he should feel the same for all the oppressed people and condemn all the occupiers , cpitalist and colonisers like the US , Europe and Israel instead of being a stooge in the hands of the colonisers , barbarians , crusaders .

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by Modrator on Mar 23, 2008 08:18 PM   Permalink
porki khan i can understand why you are writing this, you are paid for this from your masters

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by Shakeela fan on Mar 22, 2008 12:33 PM   Permalink

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by rajinder singh on Mar 22, 2008 12:52 PM   Permalink
you are living out of this world prasing china. have u not heard of Chinese attcak on India its clam on Indian states. This is the statement of another agent of china

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by chetan kotur on Mar 22, 2008 01:13 PM   Permalink
from which world do u come from..
if i paste the statistics on democide commited by china..
u will starting crying..

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  RE:RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by tanveer Khan on Mar 22, 2008 02:02 PM   Permalink
Mr.Raj thanks for your concern for your masters in Israel , why dont you join the Israeli army and you will know the cowards you are fighting for , Israelis love to kill even the inoocent babies and small children and you are blowing their trumpet here in India , shame on you Raj , if this is the paytime of the israelis then wait for the paytime of the Palestinians and Arabs the world will never forget that event .

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by raj on Mar 22, 2008 12:34 PM   Permalink
Mr. Khan for Isrealis its pay back time, they have throughn out of their mother land 1400 yrs back, its palestenian invaders who illigally occupying isreal, by the way why can't u go and fight islrealis in palastine

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by tanveer Khan on Mar 22, 2008 01:53 PM   Permalink
Prem Anand if you think only Jews have a right the occupied territories then Jews have no right to settle anywhere else in World they should be thrown out of there and send back to the so called Holy Lands and Geographically speaking 60% of the Indians are of foreign race and not native should they also be thrown out , is'nt it a case over here , true are only the down castes and tribals who have been marginalised and the upper caste people are ruling and enjoying the wealth of India . Israelis were never thrown out of their country , they never wanted to live peacefully with the Muslims who were becoming large in numbers and they always conspired against the Muslims and started many battles and therefore they were fought back and they had to be thrown out and raj your dreams will never be fulfilled , the glory of the Arab nation will go on increasing and the enemies will die in jealousy , God has gifted so much to the Arabs and the Muslim race that the others just live in pain seeing their glory .

Glory to Allah .

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by raj on Mar 22, 2008 02:03 PM   Permalink
god gives either brain or wealth, so he has given wealth to arabs, u know smthing wealth will not stay with anyone one fine day all arabian resources will erode @ this rate, after that wht will they eat

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  RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by prem anand on Mar 22, 2008 12:58 PM   Permalink
khan bhai you are totally ignorant of jews history,the jews lived in israel for tousands of years before evn christianity or islam came into existance and the rightful owners of israel are the jews,the nomads and the good for nothing people of arabia came there to occupy israel illegally and that to by violent means in islam it is justified becoz islam knows knows only one thing in life that is violence for islam peace doesnt have any values,the israelis are surrounded by the nomadic arabs so its their prerogative to defend israel in a very ruthless manner,if israelis were to be soft wth arabs,the arab rascals would have overrun the jews long back,blessed be israel for eternity and god bless that holy land for eternity,but a day will come the whole of arab nation will be wiped out by the pwerful israely nuclear arsenal and that day is not far,

Hail Israel long live israel,death to arabs

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  RE:RE:Why does Dalai Lama cry ?
by chetan kotur on Mar 22, 2008 01:15 PM   Permalink
according to history..
jews came first..
the problem is palestines..have no land
the only solution is israel shud be generous and accept palentine..and both shud live in peace..
there is no way out of this..

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Turmoil in Tibet left Dalai Lama in tear