Dalai lama should leave following the principles of buddhism which has no fighting spirit against the injustice and atrocities commited towards buddhist people, should follow the guidelines of Shrimad bhagwad gita which will help him and his people to fight against those crimes commited against humanity.
RE:Dalai lama should not cry!
by Vijay B on Mar 23, 2008 07:53 AM Permalink
First let our country practice it before preaching it to Dalai Lama. Our worthless leaders are rendering our faces blackened.
RE:Dalai lama should not cry!
by on Mar 24, 2008 03:42 PM Permalink
you better follow gita and drink blood of your fellow counter ok? You guy are sffering from ignornance.The Buddha said Ignorance is the great sickness.So you need a nursing.Read the book of Dalai Lama.