RE:RE:Boycott beijing olympics
by RAVINDRA NATH on Mar 22, 2008 01:02 PM Permalink
By quoting stats of china, you forget about political instability or (illusionary stablity) now China is having. But how long will the people of China can wait, especially when they come to know about other world`s freedom of speech, democracy etc. thru internet,television etc.? They have no other altenative, but will have to rise against the presemt government inspite of how hard they are supressed. There is almost like example of Soviet Russia for all to see. Then what will be China`s future? -Ravindra Nath
RE:Boycott beijing olympics
by Shakeela fan on Mar 22, 2008 12:10 PM Permalink
military budget of china--126 billion $(2nd after usa) military budget of india--26 bilion $
standing army of china---28 lakh(largest army in earth) standing army of india---13 lakh
economy of china---4 trillion $(3rd in earth after usa and japan) economy of india---1.2 trillion $(10th in world)
reserves of china---1.5 trillion $ reserves of india---.3 trillion $
nuclear weapons of china---1000 known nuclear weapons of india---100
china--already conducted 4 manned space missions and also anti-satllite tests
india--no manned space mission till now
now understand the difference b/w india and china b4 asking india to fight china which is the 'new superpower'--communist superpower
RE:Boycott beijing olympics
by Bidyut on Mar 22, 2008 12:15 PM Permalink
Remember Vietnam and Iraq, all the stats that you have given will fade to Oblivion.
RE:RE:Boycott beijing olympics
by Shakeela fan on Mar 22, 2008 12:20 PM Permalink
idiot, vietnam and iraq are still crap countries. USA still exists, and CHINA IS 60 TIMES STRONGER THAN USA, IMAGINE THAT.
RE:RE:Boycott beijing olympics
by chetan kotur on Mar 22, 2008 01:22 PM Permalink
dont worry ppl like shakeela and only take nicknames and post stupid comments on rediff. ask this person to speak in public and he will die that very moment..
RE:Boycott beijing olympics
by chetan kotur on Mar 22, 2008 01:21 PM Permalink
china may be seen as a superpower bt so was USSR and see what happend to it.. democratic nations like US / india will survive and become superpowers.. china will die..soon Russia now is democratic..btw.. so u chinese are going to lose ..soon.. its in process..