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Liberate Tibet
by SatyaMeva Jayate on Mar 22, 2008 05:41 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Tibet was an independent country for thousands of years. Yes, Tibet is a neighbour to China. But Chinese and Tibetans have nothing in common. It is like Germany and France. Even though both share hundreds of kilometers as border, they are very different.

Chinese occupied Tibet by force in 1950 and it was illegal. Nehru and other INC leaders of that time remained mere spectators to the occupation. During the illegal encroachment and the violence that followed, Dalai Lama came to India and formed a Government in exile.

For helping Dalai Lama, China attacked India in 1962. India was badly defeated. India had to concede thousands of sq kilometers of land to cunning Chinese. Those areas are still ruled by Chinese.

All these are well documented history.

Chinese greed has not stopped yet. They still claim Arunachal in total.

Congress (I), commies and other pseudos support Chinese claims. It is a matter of time before they hand over Arunachal to Chinese on a platter to earn some brownie points and few thousand votes.

We patriotic Indians should be totally aware of these nefarious Chinese designs and oppose them till our last blood falls for Bharat.

Independent Tibet is the best that could happen to India. Let us all give Tibetan brothers support in whatever shape or form.

At least, then we could save Brahmaputra, which Chinese are planning to block and inundate India if situation turns bad for them.

Vande Mataram.
Jai Hind.

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  RE:Liberate Tibet
by jeevan on Mar 22, 2008 06:06 PM   Permalink
I think, the first step is to liberate India from the clutches of bad politicians, corrupt officials and religious outfits..

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  RE:Liberate Tibet
by on Mar 22, 2008 09:11 PM   Permalink
I wanna ask you a question.

You went to Tibet?You know the past Tibet?You learn Tibet's history?

Ignorant prejudice.Tibet had belonged to China before USA founded.Please re-study your history books about Qing Dynasty.

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  RE:Liberate Tibet
by Babu on Mar 22, 2008 10:24 PM   Permalink
Tibet is a Free Country. Can you say India belonged to the Brits ? You should read the history of Tibet that the King of Tibet married the Daughter of Chinese King and Nepalese King. So, read the history first before commenting.

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  RE:Liberate Tibet
by Vijay B on Mar 23, 2008 07:55 AM   Permalink

Ok the Paki ISI agent is back to back his paymasters' paymasters, the Chinese. Look here you nameless, YOUR history that you've mentioned is nowhere near the truth.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Turmoil in Tibet left Dalai Lama in tear