RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by apur on Mar 20, 2008 03:05 PM Permalink
Kannadave Jaati Kannadave Dharma Kannadave Devaru that is Karanatka Rakshana Vendike. Good that it worked hard to get Mayor from Kannada side in Belgaavi.
RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by Zumber on Mar 20, 2008 03:25 PM Permalink
Yes by joining hands with Muslim parties. But beware Marathis still form majority in Belgaum but chose to sit in opposition rather than joining hands with Jehadis. Time will prove how costly this decision would be for the common Kannads
RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by Rationalist on Mar 20, 2008 03:53 PM Permalink
If Shivsena can support Congress presidential candidate who support Jehadis & evalangelists just because she is Marhata why not kannadigas do the same in Belgavi.
RE:karnataka rakshana vedike will win
by Vishnu somayaji on Mar 20, 2008 03:10 PM Permalink
Why did he (Narayana Gowda) not responded, when a humiliated sentence like " I should not have borned in Karnatka" by Deve Gowda?