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by sri kanth on Mar 20, 2008 04:42 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

devegowda stinking great betrayer back stabber, SM krishna ONLY FOR upper class.......... BJP for all

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by Prem Mohan on Mar 20, 2008 04:53 PM   Permalink
Yes. We should vote for the selfless Mdm Sonia Gandhi. She doesn't even own a car!

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by Subash Shukla on Mar 20, 2008 09:28 PM   Permalink
You are so very right. Madame Sonia Gandhi alias Maino Antonia from Italy does not own a car but owns 2 Rubber STamps - one is the Prime Minister of India - ManWoman Singh and the second one is President of India - Pratibha Patil. Hope understanding and enlightenment is bestowed onto you now.

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by Prem Mohan on Mar 20, 2008 04:58 PM   Permalink
Anything is better than BJP anywhere.

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by Prashanth Kumar on Mar 20, 2008 04:53 PM   Permalink
Have you ever wondered how rich is SM Krishna and his son - in - law Siddarth... They are stinking rich, this guys holds about 2000 hectares of coffee estate in Chickmagalur, I don't think you've ever been do Coffee Day.. Krishna did exactly what he should have done to improve his son in law, and concentrated only on Bangalore and nothing else to bangalore..

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by Prem Mohan on Mar 20, 2008 04:59 PM   Permalink
Did SM Krishna improve Bangalore or did he ruin Bangalore? In any case, Congress and JD leaders have amassed enough wealth. They will not be corrupt in future.

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by Kishore Lalwani on Mar 20, 2008 05:07 PM   Permalink
hehe what a joke.

It is like you are accepting that they are frauds but again assuring that they wont act fraud again. Isnt it a joke of the day.

I request all the kannadigas to vote BJP and bring it to power and see how Karnataka as a whole grows. Yeddi is surely gonna follow the same principles of Mr. Modi i.e. Development. Yeah and surely he wont be killing Muslims as you people will start saying about Mr. Modi. But on part of Mr. Modi, every action has a reaction.

All the best to Kannadigas and BJP.

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by Prem Mohan on Mar 20, 2008 04:55 PM   Permalink
For the benefit of the downtrodden masses of the country, we should vote for the Congress Party under the leadership of Mdm Sonia Gandhi and Mr Rahul Gandhi. All other politicians favour only the rich.

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Karnataka poll in 3rd week of May: EC