RE:SM Krishna
by Matrix on Mar 20, 2008 04:51 PM Permalink
Narayan...if you want to leave peace & safe life u can also book your ticket to Gujarat.....!
RE:SM Krishna
by Vedprakash Sharma on Mar 20, 2008 05:25 PM Permalink
Soniya has one option for her always that she can fly any time to Italy. And Congresi%u2019s are her followers. And it is shameful for Indians. Why they selected her, because if she goes means congress will collapse. Why it collapse because other congressi%u2019s are not having leadership quality. And they don%u2019t have a face to show to people. So they are one kind of HINZADA%u2019s. So they need one photo to show public. And that is Soniya . Don%u2019t think that congresi%u2019s are faithful to Soniya or country. They are selfish people of the world. A 70 -80 years old said leaders accepted the unknown lady as leader. No body knows her back ground. She doesn%u2019t have any experience. And congresi put her as PM candidates. This give massage to world that Indians are fool peoples and still living in Dynasty system . And it prove that it is a worlds meaning less biggest democracy .