this time communists are going to sweep karnataka bcoz now poor,marginalised and minority people understood that only communists are devoted to theri cause and bourgeoise leaders like soniaji and sm krishna are cheating them
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by abc ghi on Mar 20, 2008 03:14 PM Permalink
hhahahaha wat a joke communist traitors gona win hahaha ....only BJP no communal party like cong and communist
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by PotDetective on Mar 20, 2008 03:26 PM Permalink
Communists will not get more than 5 seats. Long Live BJP !! I pray BJP will win a majority on its own and provide a stable clean government after years of misrule by the corrupt JDS and Congress
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by DRR RS on Mar 20, 2008 03:54 PM Permalink
In the past assembly.. CPI(M) -- 1 seat Sri Ram Reddy (Bagepally constituency)
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by paras jain on Mar 20, 2008 03:14 PM Permalink
i doubt how one can like communist..really i feel they r deshdrohi
RE:this time communists are going to sweep karnataka
by PAL on Mar 20, 2008 03:13 PM Permalink
they are always sweeping the entire karnataka roads with broomsticks.