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Vote for BJP
by ram mas on Mar 20, 2008 03:09 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

BJP is only party in India which cares for Roti,Kapda & Makan for aam admi. Look under congress rule many farmers/workers had commited suicide.No poor or Middle class can offer to buy home today.unemployment,poverty rate had increased.Life is getting difficult for aam admi due to sky rocketing prices. Please put these congressis in dustbin & elect true pro people BJP.

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  RE:Vote for BJP
by DINESH BABU on Mar 20, 2008 03:26 PM   Permalink
You are right! No steps are taken to control -

1. Price of Commodities
2. Hyped boom in lands, houses by real estate thiefs

3. Widening of Poor and Rich Gap which will lead to Social crimes.

4. To upgrade technology in Agriculture.

Middle class people are slipping to below poverty line.

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  RE:Vote for BJP
by KS Rajan on Mar 20, 2008 03:34 PM   Permalink
My dear ram,
We have seen the India shining. You have a communal mind. In Gujarat, the voters are polarised. You do not know how they got polaerised. Think 100 times and still you donot find an answer, you are totally inflicted with paranoid communalism.

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  RE:Vote for BJP
by ram mas on Mar 20, 2008 03:58 PM   Permalink
people of gujrat had prospered under BJP rule . Narendra Modi takes care of Roti,Kapada & makan for its people. He had declared himself as chokidar of peoples wealth lying at gandhinagar.He had said I don't steal & will not allow any other to steal this wealth is for development of common people will be used for that only.what karnataka's past CM had done only stolen peoples welth brought misery to aam admi.What are conditions in Bangalru?How many workers are commiting suicide in ulsoor lake?


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Karnataka poll in 3rd week of May: EC