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Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by jamsheed basha abumohammed on Mar 20, 2008 02:46 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The return of Krishna has certainly boosted the chance of Congress in Karnataka. It is sure to win the next elections with thumping majority brushing aside the lack lusture BJP and Gowdas. Congress has support from Muslims, Dalits, Christians and upper caste too. Whereas BJP which relies heavily on industrial houses, this time will draw blank from them too as they will not bet on the losing horse.The Gowdas will be no where near in comparison with the Congress and its powerful allies.Congress on its part must first set out the priorities and prepare a manifesto that will spell doom to the BJP and allies. They must learn a lesson from Karunanidhi.What they should include in the manifesto is waiver of all farm loans. This will help farmers who will rally round the congress. Secondly, they should try to offer some concessions like reservations to muslims and christians similar to one granted by YSR of AP and Karunanidhi of Tamilnadu.This will bring muslims and christians closer to Congress and blank the Safron brigade.Development of the state must be another plank in the manifesto. If possible offer rice at Rs.2 per kg as was offered by Karunanidhi and YSR.This will solve the problems of the lower class people.The Self Help Group should be given utmost importnce in the manifesto as they will form the core group in rural development and future of the rural credit.These groups are doing well in AP and Tamilnadu and it should be allowed free hand in Karnataka too.This is best optio

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  RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by shiva s on Mar 20, 2008 02:52 PM   Permalink
There will be more corruption is congress come to power. and money wil be looted like anything. BJP should be given a chance otherwise Muslims popolation and dominance will increase. Again more terririst activities will happen if congress comes to power. What do u say my dear"basha"?

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  RE:RE:RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by anand lingaiah on Mar 20, 2008 02:59 PM   Permalink
still u are thinking that Congress wll support terrorism.. No..
terrorism is going to hit the black room very soon. but over a night u can't ask to change. it takes .....
BJP is totally secular and they are trying to make money....
so vote for congress. Let them come to power and serve people ...rather taking ride from gowda and BJP...( we saw there drama).

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  RE:RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by anand lingaiah on Mar 20, 2008 02:59 PM   Permalink
still u are thinking that Congress wll support terrorism.. No..
terrorism is going to hit the black room very soon. but over a night u can't ask to change. it takes .....
BJP is totally secular and they are trying to make money....
so vote for congress. Let them come to power and serve people ...rather taking ride from gowda and BJP...( we saw there drama).

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  RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by DINESH BABU on Mar 20, 2008 03:06 PM   Permalink
If you want the same governance as Karunandidhi does it for Tamil Nadu, You are not from Karnataka, that's sure. The Tamil Nadu government's performance is most worst in the recent past.

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  RE:RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by DINESH BABU on Mar 20, 2008 03:08 PM   Permalink
Reservation under religious basis who ever does it is killing the nationality. Even all the reservation should be removed slowly in steps. To grow Survival of the Fittest is the only way.

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  RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by kamala kannan on Mar 20, 2008 03:03 PM   Permalink
Hindu has only place in this world is india and even that is sold completely to others like for christains and muslims by congress.

already congress president post is sold sonia

dont know what and all will hapen.

if congress comes for power, then north india will be part of pakistan and south india will be a part of some christian state, because karunanidhi will support them.

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  RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by Mee Bharateeya on Mar 20, 2008 03:19 PM   Permalink
It is fortunate for congress but unfortunate for the entire country and offcourse all cvilised people who hate congress's divide-conquer rule to see that they will come to power just bcoz they have support from some communities which they are appeasing on caste/religion ground. But not because they have done good to country. Still congment speak about the bugger PM Rajeev who spent a term as PM with wild majority but did not do any concrete thing for the country except some scams. They don't talk about Shastriji who spent significant time in PMO as compared to Rajeev. But he is nowhere in picture. Every scheme is either named by Nehru/Indira and Rajeev and goes in their own ways i.e. corrupts.

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  RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by kamala kannan on Mar 20, 2008 02:58 PM   Permalink
Dear Jamsheed basha abumohammed

I had going through your message, and you said congress has power from muslim and christains, and you said congress has to allocate reservations. in your entire message you never talked about hindus. can you explain please

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  RE:Karnataka Poll Dates - Congress will form next govt
by jamsheed basha abumohammed on Mar 20, 2008 03:13 PM   Permalink
I am supporting Muslims and Christians because they have been neglected all along. Its a Hindu society, where they are in majority and enjoying all previleges. Who is safeguarding the interest of the muslims and christians.There is nothing wrong in demanding such a concession when AP and Tamilnadu can do why not Karnataka.Its in no way going to affect the interest of the majority community. We want only some guarantee in employment and education where the representation in these sectors not in conformity with the population.Why do you grant concession to SC/ST when they are Hindus too.Its because they were neglected by the Upper Caste and they were not given adequate protections. On similar lines I am demanding that the govt of the day must grant some concessions to the minorities so that they will feel secure since they are leaderless and party less. Any one living in the name of Muslim league is just doing it for one's own sake or interest. They are not interested in the welfare of the muslims. See the Mulayam Singh and Mayawathi in UP and Laloo in Bihar and Paswanji have done for muslims. They demand that the muslims be given their due share in the administration and legislature. This will usher in a new era as it is felt important in most of the states of India to grant concessions to this neglected communities.They cry for attention and AP and Tamilnadu have taken the lead and others too should follow them to keep all the minorities in good stead.Is Congress listening.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Karnataka poll in 3rd week of May: EC