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Congress ka band baaj geya!!
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Mar 20, 2008 07:32 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Now, Congress will loose another state!!

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  RE:Congress ka band baaj geya!!
by Thimme Gowda on Mar 20, 2008 07:44 PM   Permalink
You are right. 30 years back per capita income of the state was 4 in the country and better than Andra and TemilNadu and poverty level was OK. But Karnataka state per capita income is way behind Andra and Temilnadu. Reason Those two states are ruled by Non-Congress most of the times. Given a chance Congress Party change name of each and every road, monument, Institute, Land mark after Indira, Rahul, Rajeev, Sonia, Priyanka and erects Sonia family statues in busy circles and squares where there is no place for peoples to walk and drive. They have already done this Bangalore. Shameless Congress people should be kicked out of our state. They winning by cheating poor peoples. Congress wants keep poor peoples more poorer so that they can cheat and win elections. This time picture is so different.

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  RE:Congress ka band baaj geya!!
by Madhan Raju on Mar 20, 2008 08:05 PM   Permalink
I Completely agree with ThimmeGowda.
For Congress leaders, Italian Lady and her family is GOOD.

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  RE:Congress ka band baaj geya!!
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Mar 20, 2008 07:47 PM   Permalink

Phir bhi, Karanataka has seen some progress . Think about West Bengal under left rule for 30 years! IT HAS NOW MORE HUNGRY PEOPLE THAN ORISSA!

It has beome half Islamic state thanks to votebank politics of cpim and congress.

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  RE:Congress ka band baaj geya!!
by Thimme Gowda on Mar 20, 2008 07:58 PM   Permalink
Some IT guys in Bangalore says SMK is good. He is also waste guy forgot everything in other parts of Karnataka. He has completely neglected rural parts of Karnataka - North, Costal, Mysore region, Mlnad. He has never done anything for small scale industries, roads, bridges, drinking water, power and education. He enjoyed CM power as CEO and lost election miserably in 2004. Even he ran away from his home constituency to Bangalore win 2004 election. Now he comes again just for show off. Because of his ruling congress lost ground in Belgaum, Bijapur,Bagalkote, Bellary,Raichur,Koppal,Gulbarga,Davanagere,mangalore, Utter kannada

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Karnataka poll in 3rd week of May: EC