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Another setback for Congress
by Dattaprasad Prabhu on Mar 20, 2008 10:22 PM   Permalink

The proclamation of assembly election in Karnatak is another shot in the arms of the Congress. This National party has continuously been loosing the elections after 2004 under the leadership(?) of Sonia Gandhi. She lost Punjab, Utteranchal, Gujarat and now Meghalaya. She measerably failed in containing the main problem of soaring infletion ie "Mahangai". Now Congress has recently invented that some "external forces" are responcible for that. She sent human right commssn. to Maharashtra after Raj Thackeray agitation but kept complete silence over yesterday's Tibetan Genocide by the Chinese. While doing so these people have shamelessly forgotten the pledge, the Indian parliament under the leadership of Pt. Nehru has taken 45 years ago. Untill last minute she and her cocus doing their best to postpone the elections in Karnataka.

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Karnataka poll in 3rd week of May: EC