When ever people ask you a simple question you twists it and reply in you own Psycho style which relates to Jihadis and & Houries or Man. I think you are impotent that is why you give 72 houries to other who argue with you.
RE:Thagatha Please take good Psychatric treatment.
by Flamingo on Mar 15, 2008 01:17 AM Permalink
Thagatha Don't be angry yaar r u in real which questioned above. By the way who are this big Brothers of yours are also mad like you.
RE:Thagatha Please take good Psychatric treatment.
by Flamingo on Mar 15, 2008 01:21 AM Permalink
Thagatha. Now I am confirmed you are Mad. If any body questions you speak as if I am a Muslim and I am speaking against you and every answer you give me is like a Psycho gives. You need a treatment guy. I really Pitty you.