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Weakness of Srilankan army
by UnitedHindu on Mar 09, 2008 08:41 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Srilankann Navy and Airforce says that they have destroyed LTTE camps,etc.

Today Prabakaran has openly come out in public. What happened to Srilankan airforce?

It is clear that, srilankan's airforce target is not LTTE ,its innocent tamils. They are commiting genocide in the name of acting against terrorist. Its shame on sinhalese.

Today evey LTTE heads are present in Killinochi.
Why cant srilanka use their airforce to assasinate all at one?.

It is not possible. If you are in military you would easily come to know the reason why Srilankans hasnt use its airforce now.

It is very simple, whereever ltte installations are present ltte has anti-air guns and missiles.
Flying above LTTE installations are dangerours for srilanka .It is as good as commiting suicide while flying over tigers installation.

If you are in military, you will know that the guys who have media power can transmit false messages.Now SL army is spreading false news against ltte. If Srilankan war plane is shot, srilankans has to put their face down in front of media and after that media will never believe SL claims

This is funda.

LTTE is running a parallell govt in the vast tamil ellam territory. For their civil,military vehicles and for ltte naval boats how are they getting petrol and diesel.Dont tell it is smuggled.If they depend on smuggling they cant run a big navy better than srilankan navy.

If srilanka cracks this war is over. But it is not that easy.

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  RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by Rajeev on Mar 09, 2008 09:40 PM   Permalink
Mr. UnitedHindu 1st change your name to TAMIL-LTTE. which way you say you guys consider Pro active Hindu:

* When karunanidhi trying to abuse Hindu gods, instead of oppsing him you guys supported him.

* When Jagatguru Sankaracharya was arrested on false and was being treat badly, you guys kept silt as if like you guys are not Hindu.

* On Ram setu again you guys are on karuna's side.


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  RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 09:50 PM   Permalink
If you are gainst the genocide of the tamils- then what?
Do you have to support LTTE to be against the genocide of an entire people?
What has language, politics etc have to do with this?
Are you actually suggesting an entire race need to be wipe out because of politics? You are really sick.
Man - don't bring Ram into the genocide of people please.

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  RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by Arrow on Mar 09, 2008 10:02 PM   Permalink
Idiot, the question is whether sinhala army is killing innocent tamilians and the fact is yes. Dont bring karunanidhi, tamil and all other things. If you have a problem with karunanidhi, thats an entirely different issue.

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  RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by Surya on Mar 09, 2008 09:26 PM   Permalink

Change your name Lier.
May be because of people like you who spread hatred sinhalese are hating hindus.

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  RE:RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 09:35 PM   Permalink
Why are the sinhalese killing hindus, as per report in all newspaper?
Is the genocide of hindus there false?
Voicing concern about a genocide of fellow hindus on our southern borders is not hate.
Killing Hindus because they are tamil- that is hate.

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  RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:40 PM   Permalink
SL army, airforce,navy would piss the moment they know they are getting ressistance from ltte

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LTTE chief makes public appearance