They have some self-respet unlike other Indians. Rajiv Gandhi foolishly involved India in the Srilankan Matter. He should have helped Tamils to get equal rights as he has advocated the same for indian minorities.Tamils have fought not only against Indian army but also Pakis, Israel and Srilankan too. Tamils have given the best to India but what India has given -nothing.
by gopal gopal on Mar 10, 2008 01:55 PM Permalink
who are u man to decided which region should be india or not.... ask that peoples whther they want to be inida or separate nation.... even with in india, three is discriminations by religion, state , language, caste and many.... if you want unite india, first settle caste issue. india should be like EU........ ask all the state peoples whether they want to unite with india or not....... then decided accordingly...
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 01:57 PM Permalink
so what.. you want to annex srilanka to india... ? god - thank the indian tamils are not such fanatics like srilanka tamil busturds
by gopal gopal on Mar 10, 2008 02:03 PM Permalink
stupid... then why marathi peoples are against North india (now ) and soth indians (early 1990s)...... why are you making fouls sights... do u think all the indians want to unitd with india... then why there is river issue with all the state..... answer me