Tamil terrorists are giving bad name to hindus. They are the only terrorist hindu organization. Now the world cannot claim that all terrorists are muslims. Why cant they sit and talk rather than bomb?
RE:bad name for hindus
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 01:51 PM Permalink
fully agreed. LTTE has to be banned, so also karnanidhi, dmk, PMK, DK and congress for aligning with such lTTE parties.
RE:bad name for hindus
by G VAITHIANATHAN on Mar 10, 2008 02:04 PM Permalink
You Chenal Rendi - Tamil terrorists? Atleast not in India. In no way we are concerned with their terriorist activities
RE:bad name for hindus
by engineerarockia on Mar 10, 2008 01:51 PM Permalink
who told u that LTTE is hindu terrorists. They are tamil terrorists. Even we tamil, not bother about that one. why are u too much bothered about that.Cool....