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by Pulsar on Mar 09, 2008 04:22 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Why is LTTE considered a terrorist organization? Hasn't the Srilankan government also used strong arm tactics and indiscriminate bombings of civilians? If LTTE is terrorist organization, why is Srilankan government not a terrorist state?

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by Murugavel Anniyamman on Mar 09, 2008 04:26 PM   Permalink
Simply because Sri lankan government has only dealt with terrorists with force. And it does not come as a state policy.

Can you claim India to be a terrorist state, because there were attrocities against innocent kashmiri civilians in J&K?

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by mahesh aryamane on Mar 09, 2008 04:28 PM   Permalink
well said MR Murugavel Anniyamman i appreciate your view

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by Dhiman Mohajan on Mar 09, 2008 04:33 PM   Permalink
When Indian Govt. bomb shelled to Civilians in J & K ? Indian Govt. kills only Pakistani and Afghan militants and not any Indians. In Srilanka LTTE consists of Srilankan Tamils only.

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by Pulsar on Mar 09, 2008 04:32 PM   Permalink
First of all, don't bring India into the picture. This is a question about Srilanka. Analogies need to be drawn carefully. And since the context is Srilanka, there is no point in going into a tangential debate about whether the situation in India is same as that of Srilanka.

Having said that - LTTE itself was formed because of oppression of Tamils in Srilanka. Many Tamilians were killed in various parts of Srilanka in the 1980s. Tamils were treated as second class citizens and their culture was stamped upon repeatedly. So what came first is a difficult question to answer.

Moreover, Srilankan government has deliberately used indiscriminate force against civilians. I am not talking about dealing with terrorists here. It is civilians.

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 04:28 PM   Permalink
Why Indian Media always address Tamil Fighters as Tigers whereas they have killed our prime minister if all the muslim fighters are considered terrorists without any high profile and evidently proved attcked.

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by Rajan Daniel on Mar 09, 2008 05:03 PM   Permalink
LTTE/ Tigers' motives aren't against any Indian interests other than one off (terible) incident of (alleged) killing of Rajiv Ghandi. Where as the Alqaeda and some of the Muslim organisations are clearly against the interests of India.

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 06:06 PM   Permalink
Thanks Rajan

World needs people like you.

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 05:25 PM   Permalink
How can you say that "alleged" even after accepted by LTTE and those of ALqaeda as evident not not alleged.

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by mahesh aryamane on Mar 09, 2008 04:31 PM   Permalink
dude irfan
get over religion bias
they both are killing innocents in the name of freedom struggle

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by Irfan on Mar 09, 2008 05:19 PM   Permalink
Let me tell you bro that i am a die hard supporter of tamil ealam freedom but when media calls us terrorist and them tigers it really disturbs me.Well Tamil are asking for their rights for your kind info. and they shall have it Inshallah

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LTTE chief makes public appearance