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  RE:Tamil Genocide and Foolishness
by sameer on Mar 10, 2008 03:31 PM   Permalink
no your are wrong mr paper lion there is process and democracy in that country and i have many freinds from ceylon singhalese as well they all are peacefull but hindus like your tamilians they are destroying the peace of not only of sri lanka but in malaysia as well everywhere they need saperate land i dont know when they will grow up still they are living in mythology.

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  RE:RE:Tamil Genocide and Foolishness
by mpls on Mar 10, 2008 11:18 PM   Permalink
Sameer...Better dont open ur stupid mouth.All becoz of 1983 Riot in srilanka.Why dont you ask ur lanka friends abt that?.Dont hear stories when u just partying? go and see the people in Lanka how they r suffering.If somebody rape ur mother will u say the same?.Do u preach the same thing?.Think Dude..dont just argue...understand others problem

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  RE:RE:RE:Tamil Genocide and Foolishness
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 11:44 AM   Permalink
guys we know who Rhazes Ashrawi is....better dont argue with them. They are arab by everything...thats what they think..time will take care of all these ppl...imagine the condition of these ppl from 1200AD to 1600AD...and imagine their condition''ll only take another 50 years

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  RE:RE:Tamil Genocide and Foolishness
by Rahul on Mar 10, 2008 05:01 PM   Permalink
sameer, if you don't no history and if you don't know what is happening in Srilanka then just shut and keep quite

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  RE:Tamil Genocide and Foolishness
by veera kumar on Mar 10, 2008 03:27 PM   Permalink

why and what is the main reason for Sinhalese to hate Tamils????

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  RE:RE:RE:Tamil Genocide and Foolishness
by Rhazes Ashrawi on Mar 11, 2008 12:56 AM   Permalink
Sinhalese dislike tamils because tamils in sri lanka do not really love the country but love only money.The sihalese accuse them of being opportunists .They speak tamil but again say they have nothing to do with india.They literaly worship the western people.Very often they join with the english to laugh at the indians whom they secretly despise and hate.The sinhalese know them too well and so do not trust them at all. 80% of them are outside sri lanka enjoying a grand materialistic life but do not help sri lanka in any way. They send vast amounts of money to fund the tamil tigers who are mere killers and have a sordid record of killing civioians since 25 years. They recruit young children as child soldiers to fight their war while they enjoy life abroad. They are a selfish opportunistic lot and can be a dangerous unreliable people. Believe me. They hate india and indians completely. So dont just trust them.

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LTTE chief makes public appearance