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@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by sadaChiddi on Mar 09, 2008 09:18 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dont go to bibilical history and say 5000 yrs ago jews lived in jerusalem..The county called Israel was created oly in 1940s , at a time when palestines were living in that country expelled from their land to accomdate jews from israle and europe fleeing persecution.The palestines are weak and opperessed thats thy they are living as refugees in their own loand

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  RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by on Mar 09, 2008 09:23 PM   Permalink

This is the 60th year of the state of Israel.

If in the 1880s (the start of Zionist settlement in what is now Israel) or in 1948 (the War of Independence) or even in 1967 (the Six-Day War) somebody had said that one day virtually the entire world, including all the
Arab nations, would accept the existence of the State of Israel in 78 percent of the land of Israel, he would have been regarded as either idiotically optimistic or clinically insane.

That, however, is where Isreal is today.

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  RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by kamaal udd on Mar 09, 2008 10:08 PM   Permalink
why do you guys want to bring muslims in all the discussion boards for no rhymes or reasons? This topic is about LTTE and Sri Lanka...if you guys have any comments on it, you are welcome, else go and do your work and stop wasting time and leave muslims and Islam alone.

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  RE:RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:37 PM   Permalink
because they do not have any subject left to discuss

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  RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by Surya on Mar 09, 2008 09:37 PM   Permalink

why dont arabs reoccupy Israel? Millions of Jews were living in in Israel in 1940 not from bible history. UN not JEWS divided the country between arab and JEWS. ARABS REJECTED IT AND WENT TO WAR and want the whole land n this is the problem. There is no right for arabs to say there should not be immigration into JEWISH part of land since its mandated by UN based on population of JEWS and arabs.

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  RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 09:28 PM   Permalink
Man- if you see squatters in your house - what will you do?
The jews have accepted to share their house with the squatters, but the squatters argue that the house is their.
You have to be fair here.
Will you accomodate the squatters if it was your house.

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LTTE chief makes public appearance