RE:Terrorists are one who know Just killings
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 02:13 PM Permalink
By killing our national leaders, LTTE has lost whatever sympathy it had in Tamilnadu people
Only rogues like DMK, PMK and politicians are supporting LTTE for selling govt kerosene, Ration rice,
even the sethu samudram project is for carrying more goods to srilanka LTTE... they are tired of carrying by small boats...
RE:RE:Terrorists are one who know Just killings
by dinesh kumar on Mar 10, 2008 02:25 PM Permalink
the dmk ,the pmk and politicians who are supporting ltte were democratically elected in democratically conducted elections in the democratic republic of india.
RE:RE:RE:Terrorists are one who know Just killings
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 02:28 PM Permalink
so also was mayawati, laalu party in bihar... so why do we cry hoarse against them ?
RE:RE:RE:RE:Terrorists are one who know Just killings
by dinesh kumar on Mar 10, 2008 02:34 PM Permalink
some frustrated and misinformed youth with no connection with reality,a lot of them can be seen on rediff mesage boards,are the ones who cry hoarse,these are also the ones who have never voted and will never probably vote. the real people living the real lives vote on the basis of common sense. they dont cry hoarse.