Dear Rediff, If you look at your discussion board, you can see - every time these kind of discussions is not fruitful, donot bring up any kind of good thaughtful suggestions.Instead lots and lots of ROG's comes and start abuseing eachothers religions. So I understand no good serious people takeining part in these discussions. So instead of makeing this platform dirty with spit and vomits by these dirty animals,better stop it
RE:blame it on rediff
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:54 PM Permalink
All at Rediff, Pls block the Id's of all those people who used worst vulgar language on Tamilian and remarked on their colour. Pls request to do the same
RE:RE:RE:blame it on rediff
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 02:58 PM Permalink
India is not a loser when someone supporting terrorism stops using rediff ID.