It is not right to glorify any person in such a manner. No one can clap with a single hand..Both ltte and sla are equally responsible for this war. LTTE attacks lankan defences all over the place then when they attack back they are labeled as genocide causers.and the reason for this collateral damage is LTTE is not a regular army. they are hit and run guriellas, who fire then hide back in population. If your demands are genuined then stop this violence, talk peacefully, the world will listen, will sympathize and will be with you. Now dont label me a sri lankan, I am an Indian and will always remain an Indian.
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 03:02 AM Permalink
There is a difference. LTTE doesn't not bomb or attack civilians. For example, when last time they bombed the katunayke airport, they bombed only the military establishment. And left the civlian part. If they bombed at the civilian part of the airport, then the disaster might be more. But, the sla is bombing on civilians. It bombed a school and killed 60 children, and said, it "suspected" LTTE cadres might be residing in the school. And they say, the war will continue, till the LTTEs are erased. And finally they say, it is hard to distinguish between the civilans and LTTE. My friend, they are taking excuse in the name of killing LTTE. Hope you understand our plight. Had anytime, indian army bombed the schools in kashmir, quoting the jehadi's might hiding in the school? No right, if the army did, do we civilans celebrate it? They are celeberating the killings of innocent children. Aren't they eligible for a independence? And, if you think an independent srilanka is in india's interest, then we are just fooling ourselves.
by True Indian on Mar 11, 2008 03:39 AM Permalink
Not too sure if LTTE never killed civilians. However, for sure they are man enough to fight the army and not like coward jehadis who only target innocent civilians in the name of their religion. Also, you should not compare Indian govt with Sri Lankan. Indian gov.t is bound by its silly sikular principles and lacks courage which US and Israel has to crush these jehadis
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 10:53 AM Permalink
good velu..we need to create awareness on crooked policy of india towards EELAM TAMILS among our fellow indians..Compare how INDIAN govt handled BANGLADESH issue..Thats the power of BENGALI lobby...look at our Tamil (who dont think they r tamils) lobby.. Lets be sure about ONE THING..EVEN IF CONGRESS GIVES 100CRORES to me IAM NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR CONGRESS and its allies..