RE:Nobel Prize to Thru. Prabhakaran - Requested.!!
by Mohammed Islamul on Mar 10, 2008 02:45 PM Permalink
nobel prize for someone who kills many women and children, and a national leader.... great.
a very valid request from an organisation which is terrorist
RE:RE:Nobel Prize to Thru. Prabhakaran - Requested.!!
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 01:18 PM Permalink
Do u knoiw there wer SINHALA-MUSLIM riots in SRILANKA in 1910-1920?..SL Muslims who have 95% tamil genes pretend as tho they r arabs..Few arab traders who settled in SL married tamil women thats how SL muslims came to SL..for that 5% genes u claim urself to be ARABS...Dont think tamil identity comes so cheap..let eelam come then we'll keep u in proper place...Forget abt SIHNALese they will persecute u to death....just wait... muslims have isolated themselves in ALL countries..tamil kept them united with tamil hindus and u outsiders will spoil that also...IN ANOTHER 50 Years...the MUSLIM identity will be shattered...ONCE EUROPE WAKES UP..u'll face the music..