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LTTE must stop it
by sat on Mar 09, 2008 04:37 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

LTTE has been waging an ethinic war for no reason...They should stop this bloody war as noone is gaining frm it..Srilankan govt is also to be blamed for breaking the ceasefire...Innocent civilians life is stalke for no reason...SriLankan govt should see that if demands of these tigers could be met within the soverign intergrity of Srilanka...LTTE must justify its action first to gain the sympathy of Indians...

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  RE:LTTE must stop it
by alert on Mar 09, 2008 04:57 PM   Permalink
LTTE criminals must pay back for the heinous crimes against tamils like murder of amirthalingam,Padmanabha,Mathya,Uma maheswaran and thousands such.
Unless Prabhakaran who is a proclaimed offender comes out of coward hidings and surrenders to india and face the court procedings there is no way LTTE will survive.

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  RE:LTTE must stop it
by amsuman on Mar 09, 2008 05:30 PM   Permalink
i fully agree with u, dr friend

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  RE:LTTE must stop it
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 09, 2008 05:45 PM   Permalink
sat first rad Sri Lankan history and then comment . The LTTE and the etnic war did not start without any reason . This is a result of systamatic discrimination of native Sri lankan and Indian origin Tamils since independence by every Sri lankan government. This discrimination is in language education jobs . ultimatley in trying to dperive the Tamil of their homalnd by delberate large scale colonisation to change the ethnic blance in teh Tamil North and East. One million Tamils of Indian origin were stripped of thier citizenship and were made stateless.soon after independence, after living in Sri Lanka for more than 150 years and contributing to its wealth. The Tamil tried all nonviolent and peaceful methods to gain ther just rights. This was only met with scorn dersioan and systamatic planned violence where thousand of Tamils lost their lives properties. Today there is around a million native Sri LankanTamil living in teh west due to this . You dont find Sinhalas refugees. Many SInhlas do try to claim refugee status stating that thoy ae part tamil and have been victimised for helping Tamils. There are aroound 300000 internally displaced Tamil from the North and East many may not be able to retune to thoer home esppecially in the east . thoer lands have been earmarked for Sinhlas colonisation. Around 90000 civilians have been killed and more than 90% of these are inncent Tamil civilians killed by the Sri Lankan armed forces. If this is not genocide then what is.

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LTTE chief makes public appearance