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by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 01:14 PM   Permalink
Dear Idiot,
U only know LTTE as a terrorist org.Termination only will make suffering to millions of Tamils in Sri Lanka. Do u know that these tamilians have migrated to SL in British Rule to work in Tea Plantation some 150-200 yrs ago. Do u know that they were from India. They are now citizens of SL by neutralisation. Any person Who stands for his rights with gun power might be terrorist for SL not for India. There is peace in this region esp in south india. I think there is no peace in your mind. Ur thoughts stink worse than septic tank. Clean ur mouth with phynyl, acid etc so that thoughts will come nice... Note some body said todays terrorists are tomorrow's Freedom Fighters

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by Anandan Venkatachalam on Mar 10, 2008 01:51 PM   Permalink
There are 2 types of tamil communities in Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan Tamils and Tamils of Indian Origin. Sri Lankan Tamils have been living in Sri Lanka for more than 1000 years. In fact history says they were there even before those Sinhalese landed there from Bengal.

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by ramabhadranS on Mar 10, 2008 02:57 PM   Permalink
Yes.Anandan venkatachalam.Basically there are two types as you said.But factually, there are several.Tamilians from Jaffna, tamilians from East,Tamilians from Central Srilaka (Recent Indian Origin)and lately Colombo tamilians.Tamilians from Jaffna claim that they are superior to others and the language that they spoeak is perfect Tamil.For an argument, that is right.It is far superior to our madras Tamil.The problem is Jaffna Tamilians have an ultra superiority complex and that they are the best in everything and look down on others. just because most of them have shifted to TN they talk good of TN (sometimes) otherwise they always make derogatory statements. I have personally experienced. I have visited Sri Lanka several occasions and been there for over 7 years and travelled widely including north and east on a World bank economic mission. The past generation is god fearing but worship only Shiva and murugan.There is no place for Vishnu.They do not (much) celebrate deepavali, but Thai pongal and Chiththirai New Year are very popular. In a way their tamil sense is superior and they do not run behind film stars like we do.However when you personally speak to them they are willing to live with sinhala people but I feel now it is too late because of Prabhakaran and mahinda rajapakse both contributing heavily, widening the small crack into an unbridgeable one.May God save the humans.

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LTTE chief makes public appearance